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A recruitment strategy to grow your business

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 9 years ago
  • Author: Sue Pallot

​If you run a business in Jersey, then high on your list of objectives for the coming year is likely to be growing your business and bringing it to new heights of success. But, ultimately, it’s the people who make a business, so one of the first steps towards realising your ambition should be putting together a genuinely effective recruitment strategy. Here are several reasons why that can work so well.

Better higher-ups can mean better workers elsewhere

If your business is still fairly young, one of the advantages of this situation is that there could remain many recruitment techniques you’re unaware of and, therefore, haven’t tried yet. This can mean a huge amount of further potential is just waiting to be tapped into! In order to have a better chance of tapping into this potential, we would eagerly advise you to prioritise employing the right managers to start with, as they will be tasked with the jobs, such as recruiting other staff and helping to motivate your workforce.

A more diverse workforce can ultimately be a better workforce

With all of your staff working for the same company and, therefore, adopting the organisations ethos, it makes sense to ensure that they have a certain common kinship. However, you should also be careful not to overlook the merits of a diverse employee base.

By way of example, you should resist employing people simply because they share your personality traits and background. It can actually be beneficial for your company to accommodate differing points of view, as it can continually challenge your company and so assist in its development.

Along these lines, Steve Jobs – a firm believer in enablement and the potential of his staff, encourages those to ‘Hire the Best’ in doing so, you allow for success and growth in the recruitment process and ultimately across the business. It is also worth considering that, if you’re routinely working beside people you consider more intelligent than yourself, you are more likely to take account of their opinions and, in the process learn something new.​

Don’t keep pressing pause on the recruitment process

For many companies, a good recommended corporate practice is continually accepting CVs from promising candidates, rather than stopping and starting as is considered appropriate. Contrary to what you might initially believe, this strategy would not be a waste of your time; in fact, it could significantly save you time.

That’s because, should a major employee decide to leave your company, you have a better chance of filling the open vacancy quicker as you already have a range of candidates to consider who have indicated their interest in joining your ranks. In fact, in any situation where you want to add to your firm’s staff, by continually accepting CVs you can – to use a couple of carefully-chosen metaphors – hit the ground running, rather than having to first spend time simply getting the car started.

Already flying? We can take you even further

We at Rowlands can actively provide fledgling and established businesses in Jersey with additional assistance during the recruitment process. We maintain a current vacancies page on our website – which we update continuously- where businesses can advertise any current vacancies, and potential candidates can apply directly to any of the current roles of interest to them. One of the benefits we can offer is that, out of the potential candidates who apply through us, we can help to identify who is likely to be a ‘good fit’ with the skill set you require and with your company culture.